Renowned soothsayers Nostradamus and Baba Vanga have foretold troubling events for 2025, focusing on Europe’s future. Despite being born centuries apart, both are credited with predicting major historical events like the 9/11 attacks, the Chernobyl disaster, and the Great Fire of London. Their followers often revisit their works at the start of a new year, and 2025 is no exception.
Nostradamus, known for his cryptic quatrains in Les Prophéties, made unsettling predictions for 2025. One prophecy warns of “an ancient plague” and turmoil in Britain:
“When those from the lands of Europe, see England set up her throne behind… there will be cruel wars. The ancient plague will be worse than enemies.”
Another verse describes “a great pestilence from the past” and prolonged warfare that weakens Western powers, allowing “new world powers” to emerge. Some even speculate his writings reference events in the English Premier League.
Baba Vanga, blind from childhood, is famed for predicting events like Princess Diana’s death. For 2025, she foresaw a devastating war in Europe, claiming, “Russia will not only survive, it will dominate the world.” She also predicted Lewis Hamilton’s eighth Formula One title, extraterrestrial contact during a major sporting event, and the potential use of a biological weapon.