The Meaning of the Three-Dot Tattoo: A Comprehensive Guide to Russian Prison Tattoos

May be an image of 2 people and tick

Are you curious about the fascinating world of Russian prison tattoos? One of the most intriguing symbols you may come across is the three-dot tattoo. In this article, we will explore the various meanings behind this unique tattoo design.

Symbolism and Interpretations

The three-dot tattoo holds different meanings, each with its own significance. One interpretation is its connection to the Buddhist monkeys, which symbolize secrecy and silence. This meaning suggests that individuals with this tattoo prefer to keep their personal lives private.


Another interpretation is related to the number of dots in the tattoo. It can represent the length of a person’s prison sentence. The more dots there are, the longer the individual has spent behind bars. This symbolism serves as a reminder of their past experiences and the challenges they have faced.