An antique marble razor blade sharpener that defies expectation in appearance.
Confused with a Toy
Based on its appearance, this antique relic looks like a popular children’s toy from the 1960s and 1970s. Some have mistaken it for “Clackers.” As a result, there has been much discussion regarding the object’s true origins. But the clackers were constructed out of plastic acrylic balls and string. In the meantime, the old artifact is made up of two glass marbles with a steel rod and a wooden or metal base.
There are many different ways that shaving has been done throughout history. From shark teeth and clam shells to bulky metal items packaged in cute little kits to disposable 4-5 bladed razors and electric razors, razors have evolved over time. Today, the majority of men and women engage in what was formerly considered a status and wealth symbol.
Shaving’s origins can be traced back to at least 4000 BCE, according to historians. In fact, shaving with sharpened flint and shells has been depicted in cave paintings. Furthermore, razors made of copper and solid gold have been discovered in Egyptian tombs.
As shaving has gained popularity, innovative designs have added more blades to a single razor, implementing designs for safety and precision.