Here’s how the puzzle goes:
- You buy a cow for $800.
- You sell the cow for $1,000, making a profit of $200.
- You then buy the cow back for $1,100.
- Finally, you sell the cow again for $1,300, earning a profit of $200 from the first transaction and $200 from the second, for a total profit of $400.
The tricky part is keeping track of profits across the transactions!

So, what’s the final answer?
The correct solution to this cow puzzle is $400. Let’s break it down step by step:
- You purchase the cow for $800.
- You sell it for $1,000.
- Profit so far: +$200.
- You buy the cow again for $1,100.
- Net balance: -$900.
- You sell the cow for $1,300.
Final profit = $400.